100% of my sessions are done remotely, via phone or video, using a HIPAA-compliant platform.


My fees are consistent with other mental health professionals. Please contact me for details. The rates will be discussed for therapy upon initial contact.

Couples therapy has an additional $39 assessment paid directly to The Gottman Institute, who manages the online assessment testing interface.

Client initiated check-ins outside of session will be billed at your regular session rate, pro-rated to 15 minutes intervals. Client requested work outside of the therapy hour (insurance inquiries, advocacy letters, etc) will be billed at $100/hour, prorated by 15 minute intervals.

The quality of service I provide are top notch. As such, I do not offer a sliding scale.

In compliance with the law, you can click below to view the generic form of a document called the No Surprises Act Notice, which informs clients that they have the right to see a Good Faith Estimate. Click here to view a copy of the generic Good Faith Estimate form. You can also view the HIPAA Privacy Notice. These forms are meant as a resource, not as a compliance claim or guarantee.

No Surprises Act

Good Faith Estimate

HIPAA Privacy Notice


Weekly engagement in therapy is strongly encouraged, as it reduces the overall number of months you'll be in therapy. We can achieve much more progress in 6 months worth of weekly sessions than we can in 12 months of twice monthly sessions. Having said that, I'll do what I can to work with both our schedules. Many clients eventually opt to reduce the frequency of sessions as they experience a reduction in suffering and an increase in joy.


I am considered an “out of network” provider. As such, I can provide you with ‘superbills’ (invoices in a language/format that insurance carriers understand and require) to submit to your insurance provider. You initially pay the full fee for sessions up front and your insurance provider cuts you a check directly for the part that they reimburse for, if any, and according to your agreement with them. You are ultimately responsible for all costs. I do not communicate directly with any insurance providers and provide superbills one month at a time, after the final charge for the month has been run.


I pull from various approaches that are informed by my academic instruction in Depth Psychotherapy at Pacifica Graduate Institute and my specialized trainings and clinical experience including, but not limited to sexual assault counseling, addiction/alcoholism recovery, eating disorder treatment, trauma recovery, LGBTQA advocacy and support, suicide prevention, anxiety and depression, grief, biofeedback, neurofeedback, and community treatment with youth. I am a Certified Sexual Assault Counselor, a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, a Certified Treatment Provider in Perinatal Mental Health, have completed Our Underground Railroad’s Certificate of Human Trafficking, and Levels I, II, and III through The Gottman Institute. My therapy lens is influenced by my personal experiences with Vipassana Meditation, Ashtanga Yoga, Open Water Swimming, motherhood, and the day-to-day experience of being human in this simultaneously very simple and very complex world of today.